PCC Explained and why its important
The Process
This is our system:
Once we have agreed the fee and you ask us to continue we would request a single copy of all of the following:
- Planning permission with any conditions
- Ground condition survey
- Any structural calculations you may have
- Any other relevant technical data
- Your intended start (i.e. when you surface strip the site)
- Building regulation approval and your working drawings
- We will then check your technical details for compliance
If everything seems in order we will invoice you for 50% of the fee, register the scheme and arrange the first site inspection
During the build period we will continue with each inspection usually at the stages of Excavation, wind and watertight, first fix, completed shell prior to plaster and finally completion. Occasionally we throw in an extra visit or two if there are problems or complications.
Following each stage inspection we will issue a written report to you alerting you to any problems, builders snagging and so on. At each stage, if asked to do so, we will contact your bank and authorise your draw-down of project funds
You then finish the project and obtain a Building Regulation Completion certificate, a copy of which you send to us
We make one final check of the project and tick all of the boxes we need ticking. We then send you a letter of intention to issue the certificate and ask for the remaining 50% of the fee
Upon receipt of the last part of the fee we issue you with a Professional Consultant’s Certificate